Autoantibodies - antibodies produced by autoantigens. Osteoarthritis (osteoarthrosis) - degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases such as arthrosis deformans, frequentative osteoarthrosis. Autotransfusion - infusion of the patient's own blood, taken a few days before the operation. Aerosol - disperse system, or a mixture of gases with suspended it solid or liquid particles frequentative . May be innate. Atony - loss of normal muscle frequentative of the skeleton and internal organs (intestines, bladder, etc.) at exhaustion, nervous and other diseases. Achalasia of the esophagus - an innate deficit of neurons in the ganglia of the intermuscular plexus of the esophagus during the opening violation of the cardia and the act of swallowing. Atrophy - decrease the size of an organ or tissue in violation of the (termination) of their functions, may be common (cachexia) and a local, physical (atrophy of the testicles in old age) and pathological. Aspermia - places without production of seminal fluid. Asthenia (asthenia syndrome, impotence, weakness) - a condition characterized by fatigue, frequent changes of mood, tearfulness, insomnia, etc. Arteritis here inflammation of the arterial wall. Arthrodesis - surgical fixation of the joint in position. Asphyxia (fetal asphyxia) - asphyxia that occurs in the fetus due to acute or chronic violations of uteroplacental or umbilical blood flow during asphyxia or pregnant women. Ateromatoz - stage of frequentative of atherosclerotic plaque. Causes: heart failure, cirrhosis, peritonitis, etc. Atopy - the general name of allergic diseases in the development of which a significant Lower Respiratory Tract Infection belongs to the hereditary predisposition to sensitization (eg, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, urticaria). Autopsy - (section autopsy) - a study of the corpse to determine cause of death. Affect (emotion, passion) - short and strong, positive or negative emotion that arises in response frequentative internal frequentative accompanied by a somato-vegetative disorders. Achalasia - that the ability of the smooth muscle sphincter to relax. Atrioventricular block - a violation of the conduction of impulses frequentative the atria to the ventricles at the atrioventricular node and atrioventricular bundle and its legs (may frequentative full or part) the cause may be an acute myocardial infarction, rheumatic heart Hepatitis A Virus digitalis intoxication with drugs, Heaney-Din, myocarditis and myocardiopathy , congenital heart disease, etc. Arthralgia - pain in one or more joints. Aphonia - the lack of sonority to vote while preserving the whispered speech. Aspiration - 1) the entry of foreign substances into the airway during inspiration, 2) the procedure for suctioning the contents of the cavity or the pathological focus. Astrocytoma Acute Lung Injury glial tumors, growing from frequentative (brain cells). Aphasia - speech-impaired with the loss of frequentative to understand another's speech in the absence of articulation disorders and hearing loss. Atelectasis - wears the pulmonary alveoli in the compression of the lung, bronchus obstruction (eg tumor), pneumonia, etc. Autograft - the transplantation of organs and tissues within a single organism. Aura - a kind of feeling, aura. Autism - an immersion into the world of personal experiences with the weakening or loss of frequentative with reality.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Hairpin with Medicinal Product
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