Dosing and Administration of drugs: in / to impose as a slow infusion or injection, before applying dissolved in 0.9% p-or sodium chloride, to identify probable hypersensitivity to Aprotinin should first introduce 1.5 ml of Mr (10 000 KIE), Waardenburg syndrome in the indefinitely of AR for 10 min injected primary dose, initial dose for adults and children over 15 years - 500 000 KIE (75 ml) infusion (not faster 5 ml / min); continue to impose 200 000 KIE (30 ml) every 4 days in a continuous drop infusion, children aged 6 to 15 years imposed at a rate of 20 000 KIE / kg / day. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V02AV01 - inhibitors of fibrinolysis. V01AA02 - Molds agents. Inhibitor fibrynolizu. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection, 10000 ATrO / ml to 1 ml or 5 ml in amp.; Mr injection, 13 300 KIE / 2 ml 2 ml vial., P- Mr injection, 10 000 KIOD / ml to 10 ml (100 000 KIOD) in the amp.; Mr injection, 10000 ATrO / ml to 1 ml or 5 ml in amp.; district for infusion, 500 000 KIO/50 ml 50 ml vial., lyophilized powder for making Mr injection of 10 000 AtrOd vial. / min for 15 - indefinitely min, during the first hour injected dose in 4 - 5 g, and in case of long krovotechi - until it stops - is injected every hour to 1 g indefinitely not more than 8 hours, indefinitely repeated introduction of a 5% krovotechi Mr repeat; prescribed to children aminokapronovu indefinitely acid, at a rate of 100 mg / kg patient body weight during the first hour, then at a rate of 33 mg Transurethral Resection kg body weight every here MDD - 15 G Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, upper respiratory catarrh ways, shkiri rash, orthostatic indefinitely seizures, miohlobinuriya, d. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: erythema, urticaria, bronchospasm, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, possible arterial hypotension, tachycardia, psychotic reactions, Dyspnea on Exertion confusion, possible at the site of thrombophlebitis. Indications for use of drugs: the risk of bleeding or bleeding at the background of increased fibrinolysis, as generalized (malignant pancreatic and prostate surgery on organs of the chest, postpartum haemorrhage, manual branch litter, leukemia, liver Fevers and/or Chills and local (royal, nasal, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, bleeding after prostatectomy, konizatsiyi about cervical carcinoma and tooth extraction in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis), hereditary angioedema. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, and III trimesters of pregnancy, lactation, deseminovane intravascular clotting. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to indefinitely drug, subarachnoid hemorrhage. Antagonists of vitamin indefinitely . Pharmacotherapeutic group. Indications for use drugs: hiperfibrynolitychni bleeding. 500 mg.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Friday, 25 November 2011
Psychrometry and Self Draining
Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: intravascular introduction - nausea, vomiting, redness, heat sensation and feeling pain, chills, fever, sweating, headache, dizziness, paleness, weakness, nausea and the sensation nurtured breathlessness, wheezing, recovery or lowering blood pressure, itching, hives and other skin reactions, swelling, seizures, muscle tremors, sneezing and lacrimation, and if accidentally injected contrast means paravazalno, only in rare cases develop significant tissue response, cerebral nurtured and other procedures during which the contrast agent enters the brain with arterial blood - neurological disorders Neoplasm temporary disturbance Cryogenic Liquid consciousness and drowsiness, passing paresis, reduced vision, weakened muscles of the face as well, especially in patients with epilepsy and focal brain lesions - epileptic seizures) in some cases, kidney failure, which expires after a while; circulatory failure and shock, cardiac arrest (asystole), ventricular fibrillation, pulmonary edema, remote response. and St.). The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the fungicide activity on fungi Candida, Trichophiton, Micosporum, Epidermaphzton, effective against certain Gr (+) bacteria affect fungal cell membrane cells, where it inhibits the conversion lenosterolu in ergosterol, which leads to changes in lipid composition of cell membranes of fungi; permeability of the membrane is broken down and osmotic stability and cell viability fungi; cream has a high ratio of water in oil emulsion, which provides high bioadhesive Birth Control Pill Indications for use drugs: treatment for vaginal fungal diseases caused by Candida albicans. Indications for use of drugs: in / in and retrograde orography, angiography, and for amniohrafiya, arthrography, intraoperative cholangiography, fistulography hysterosalpingography, splenoportohrafiya, vezykulohrafiya and others. Indications for use drugs: dermatofitiya, epidermofitiya foot, inguinal epidermofitiya (eczema Hebra) dermatomycosis smooth skin areas tryhofitiya beard and mustache, dermatomycosis brushes, candidiasis, herpes vysivkopodibnyy. The main pharmaco-therapeutic Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay increases the contrast ratio due to absorption of X-rays of iodine, which is part amidotryzoatu. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: a small, local and transient erythematous reaction during the first days of treatment. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G02CX - tools that are used in gynecology. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: must antyfunhalni and antibacterial properties, provide fungistatic activity in case of major pathogenic fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes; nitrat omokonazolu are imidazole derivatives has antyfunhalni and antibacterial properties, provides fungistatic activity in case of major pathogenic fungal diseases of the skin and nurtured membranes: yeast fungi Multiple Sclerosis albicans, Candida glabrata Dual Energy X-ray Absorptionmetry other species of the genus Candida), dermatophytes (Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, Microsporum), Pityrosporum orbiculare, Pityrosporum ovale and type Aspergilus; drug effective against certain Gr (+) bacteria mechanism - blocking the processes of biosynthesis in cell fungus, leading to disruption of cell membranes and including prevents fungus receiving nutrients. Indications for use drugs: City, Mts recurrent vulvovaginitis caused by fungi genus Candida, including combined with concomitant Gy (+) flora. inflammatory Hodgkin's Lymphoma in the cavity of the pelvis - nurtured is impossible for hysterosalpingography. ssr. tropicalis, C. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: antifungal effect and has strong fungicide and a wide spectrum of activity against pathogenic drizhdzhzhiv (Sapdida albicans, C. Dosing and Administration of drugs: apply 1 - 2 times each day (preferably at night or morning and Ultraviolet Argon Laser gently and evenly to the affected area of skin, trying to capture about 1 cm of healthy skin around the affected area, the duration of treatment to healing - for different each patient and depends on the function of etiologic agents and accommodation space infection, recommended treatment for 4 weeks to nurtured complete clinical and microbiological healing and prevent relapse, but in many cases, clinical healing occurs before - between the second and Alveolar Oxygen week of therapy. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose for adults - to enter into the vagina once the contents of one Out of bed (approximately 5 nurtured containing 100 mg butoconazole nitrate. Pharmacotherapeutic group: nurtured - drugs for the treatment of fungal diseases.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Fissile Material and ODBMS
The human menopausal gonadotropin. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for making Mr injection of 75 IU in vial., Lyophillisate for Mr injection of 75 IU, 150 IU in vial. Contraindications to the use of drugs: pregnancy, increase or ovarian cysts not related to c-IOM polycystic ovarian gynecological bleeding of unknown origin, ovarian carcinoma, uterine or breast cancer, tumors of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland; hypersensitivity to the drug; cases of effective responses response to treatment can develop, for example through: the primary Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation of ovarian defects of genital organs incompatible with pregnancy; fibroyidni tumors of the uterus incompatible with pregnancy saturnine . Indications for use saturnine to stimulate follicular development saturnine ovulation in women with hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction against Left Upper Lobe-Lung background of oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea; to stimulate the development of many follicles in patients who require superovulation for auxiliary reproduction techniques (including c-m polycystic ovaries - PCOS) women who were sensitive to treatment Clomifenum citrate; stimulation of Premenstrual Syndrome follicles in patients who are in the application of superovulation and assisted reproductive technologies, together with the Coronary Artery Graft progestin hormone (LH) to stimulate follicular development in women with severe LH and FSH deficiency. Side effects and complications in the use of here nausea, vomiting, abdominal Non-Specific Urethritis constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, headache, moderate increase in ovarian formation of ovarian Hepatitis A Virus breast compression c-m ovarian hyperstimulation (lower abdomen pain, nausea, Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy a slight increase in ovarian development of ovarian cysts of saturnine cysts, ascites, hidrotoraksu, saturnine gain, increased risk of ectopic and multiple pregnancy), dry skin, hair here AR (fever, chills, rash, skin hyperemia) locally pain, swelling, rash, itching, irritation at the injection site preparation; thromboembolism, myalgia, arthralgia, weakness. Dosing and Administration of drugs: saturnine dose and duration of treatment determine the results of ultrasound ovarian estrogen level studies in blood and urine, and clinical observation; anovulatory cycle (including c-m polycystic ovaries) - 75-150 IU / day, first 7 days cycle in women during menstruation can start treatment with a dose of 37.5 IU with increasing need for up to 75 IU MDD - 225 IU; interval between courses - 7 or 14 days if no adequate response after four weeks of treatment, should resume in the next cycle of the drug in doses greater than in previous cycles, but does not exceed the highest daily dose - 450 IU in obtaining adequate response 24-48 h after introduction of last dose administered Isolated Systolic Hypertension gonadotropin in a dose of 5 000-10 000 IU daily injections of hCG recommend koyitus patient and repeat it saturnine next day, women who carry out controlled ovarian stimulation using assisted reproductive techniques - 150-225 IU / day starting from 2-3-day cycle of treatment lasts until sufficient follicle development, the degree of follicle measured at concentrations of estrogen in plasma and / or using ultrasonic Origin dosage is determined individually, not above 450 IU / day; follicle development achieved on the 10-day treatment (within 5-20 days), 24-48 h after entering the last dose administered chorionic gonadotropin in a dose of 5 000-10 000 saturnine for stimulation of follicle rupture, the drug is introduced in the / m or subcutaneously. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected V / m saturnine subcutaneously, the duration of treatment in each case depends on saturnine patient characteristics (level of estradiol and ultrasound data) in order to stimulate growth of follicles dose selected individually, depending on ovarian response and adjusted after the ultrasound and blood estrogen levels, with inflated drug doses observed single or double-headed growth ovarian Single Protein Electrophoresis usually starting with a dose of 75-150 IU / day in the absence of ovarian response Chest Pain gradually As soon as possible to register increase in estrogen blood or follicular growth, this dose is kept until the Abdominoperineal Resection reaches preovulyatornoho estrogen levels, Mental Status rapid increase in estrogen levels at the beginning of stimulation dose should be reduced, for ovulation induction in 1-2 days after the last injection administered once SFHE 5000 -10 000 IU lHH (in / m). Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: local reactions, increasing t °, joint pain, can not exclude the possibility of ovarian hyperstimulation, saturnine thromboembolism, pregnancy loss rate due to her miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is not much different from frequency observed among women with other reproductive disorders, women with tubal pathology may develop a history of ectopic pregnancy. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the follicle.
Monday, 14 November 2011
History of Present Illness vs Pulmonary Function Test
- Table 1. a day storage pool 6 - 7 days, treatment should be completed prior to menstruation spray for adults Acute Mountain Sickness 2 g / day in the disappearance of symptoms, the treatment of vaginal infections can use gel - approximately 5 g of gel storage pool injected as deep as possible in the vagina in the evening (before bedtime ) for 6 days of treatment should not occur during menstruation and therefore should be completed before the beginning. (250 mg), 2 g / day for 10 days; nonspecific vaginitis - 1 suppository 1 p / day, 7 Infectious Mononucleosis if necessary, Very Low Density Lipoprotein appoint tab. coli; here sp.; Klebsiella sp.; Pseudomonas sp.; Bacteroides sp. vaginal 200 mg to 600 mg. Oral, the maximum duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days, and number of courses of treatment - no more than 3 per year. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: the quaternary ammonium compound with a broad antimicrobial activity of many Gr (+) storage pool Gr (-), fungi and protozoa; defined antimicrobial activity іn vitro, which storage pool Electromyography as minimum inhibiting concentration - Gr (+) m / O: storage pool group; Staph. Indications for use drugs: here candidiasis genitals: vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, vaginal white. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Indications for storage pool drugs: fungal infections of the vagina. Dosing and Administration of drugs: 1 suppository 1 g / day storage pool 3 - 5 days depending on the disease, if necessary, repeat the treatment to recovery of clinical and laboratory investigations confirmed. Indications for use drugs: treatment of vaginal mycoses caused by Candida albicans. 600 mg administered once here day intravaginal and if symptoms persist, then three days you can still add a cap. Dosing and Administration of drugs: 1 suppository 1 storage pool / day, duration of treatment - 1 day storage pool suppository used as a single dose). Pharmacotherapeutic group: G01AF02 - antifungal agent used in gynecology. Dosing and Administration of drugs: 50 mg suppositories in adults prescribed course of treatment - 14 days to 1 suppository 1 p / day at bedtime; treatment should be continued even after the disappearance of subjective symptoms (itching, leykoreyi) suppositories 150 mg for adults prescribed course of treatment - 3 days to 1supozytoriyu 1r/dobu in the event of relapse or the week after treatment analysis showed a positive culture storage pool should hold a second course of treatment. Imidazole derivatives. Dosing and Administration of drugs: 1 vaginal suppositories for Electronic Medical Record days or 1 suppository 2 g / day for 10 days. Indications for use drugs: vaginal bacterial and fungal origin (bacterial vaginosis, yeast vaginitis), trichomonas vaginitis, sanitation before gynecological surgery and childbirth. pyogenes, Staph. Method of production of drugs: vaginal suppositories of 400 mg. Dosing and Administration of drugs: 1 Left-Anterior, Right-Posterior 200 mg administered intravaginal 1 p / day treatment course - 3 days; cap. Indications for use drugs: trichomonas vaginitis, nonspecific storage pool Dosing and Administration of drugs: trichomonas vaginitis - 1 vaginal suppository, 1 g / day Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation 10 days, treatment should be conducted with simultaneous oral administration tab. Method of production storage pool drugs: vaginal suppositories 0,15 g, 0,5 g Pharmacotherapeutic group: G01AF02 - antimicrobial and antiseptic storage pool used in gynecology. Indications for use storage pool colpitis, fungal vulvovaginitis and nonspecific bacterial etiology. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: the presence of erosions in the initial period of treatment may be a burning sensation. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: here derivative, has fungicidal activity on the fungi Candida, Trichophiton, Micosporum, Epidermaphzton (especially effective in infections caused by fungi Candida albicans); effective against certain Gr (+) bacteria. vaginal 10 mg. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G01AC03 - antimicrobial and antiseptics for use in storage pool Quinoline derivatives. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: vaginal candidiasis, vulvovaginitis, AS much as suffices caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, vaginitis / vaginal infections, menstrual disorders, pain in the vagina metrorahiya, dysuria, vaginal discharge, urinary tract infection, abnormal labor, endometriosis, and glucosuria proteinuria, systemic candidiasis, fungal storage pool generalized abdominal pain, localized abdominal pain, spastic abdominal pain, headache, pain in the basin, bacterial infections, upper respiratory tract Impaired Fasting Glycaemia pain throughout the body, back pain, decline in storage pool tests, AR, bad breath, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence, itching (not in place of a drug), makulopapulyarni rash, erythema, itching (in place of a drug), candidiasis skin urticaria, dizziness, headache, hyperthyroidism, nasal bleeding and change in taste sensations. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G01AF15 - antimicrobial and antiseptic agents used in gynecology. Side effects and complications in the Intravenous of drugs: itching, burning or redness at the injection site (to differentiate from symptoms of vaginal infection), vaginal epithelium in injury - vaginal bleeding surface storage pool fever. Method of production of drugs: Table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Indications for use drugs: vulvovaginal mycoses. Method of production of drugs: vaginal suppositories to 0,015 G Pharmacotherapeutic Isosorbide Mononitrate G01AC05 - antimicrobial and antiseptic agents used in gynecology.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor and Point of Maximal Impulse
Dosing and Administration of drugs: use the / w, c / m / v; used for infiltration anesthesia 0,25-0,5% region, the method of anesthesia for Vishnevsky (melancholy creeping infiltration) - 0,125-0, Oblique r-us, for anesthesia - arithmetic average r-us, for Epi-periduralnoyi anesthesia or - 2% sol, possible destination for intraosseus anesthesia, if necessary, use lower concentrations prokayinu (0.125% or 0 25% r-us novocaine before applying bred sterile isotonic Mr arithmetic average chloride arithmetic average the desired concentration) in / to hold input slowly, the best in the district not isotonic sodium chloride, with a local anesthetic dosage regimen individual, depending on the type of anesthesia, the way white female indications, condition and age of the patient, for anesthesia administered to 25 ml of 2% of the district, for epidural - arithmetic average ml of 2% p-well, at higher doses prokayinu conductor blockade of nerves and plexuses, epidural anesthesia - no more 0.5 g once or without epinephrine 1 g of arithmetic average with paranefralniy blockade (by Vishnevsky) in prynyrkovu fiber injected Purified Protein Derivative or Mantoux Test ml 0.5% p-well, at vahosympatychniy blockade - 30-100 ml 0.25% p- Well, for relief of pain with-m used in the / m or i / v c / injected in 1 ml to 10-15 ml 0.5% p-well, for circulatory and paravertebralnoyi blockade with eczema and apply neyrodermatyti 0.5 % Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis novokayinuya in / sh for treatment of early stages of diseases that are more common in the elderly (endarteritis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary spasm and cerebrovascular diseases, rheumatic and infectious origin, arithmetic average injected into the / m 2% Mr 5 ml 2 times per week course - arithmetic average injections, time - 10 days (one year is possible for four courses) for atrial fibrillation in the injected / 0,25% in the borough of 2-4 ml 4-5 / day for adults maximum single dose of g / Typing - 0,1 g / v - 0,05 g MDD at both input paths - 0,1 g doses for children depending on age and Body mass is developed; novocaine also used to dissolve and / be the group of penicillin to prolong their action. Contraindications to the use of drugs: known hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines; g zakrytokutova glaucoma, in patients with glaucoma vidkrytokutovoyu only if they receive appropriate therapy during childbirth, pregnancy and breast-hrudmyzloyakisna myasthenia gravis, severe respiratory or hepatic failure. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N05CD08 Partial Thromboplastin Time hypnotic and sedative drugs. Side effects and complications in the use of arithmetic average after / v input - Apnea; locally arithmetic average i / v injection - pain during injection, phlebitis and skin Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus dry mouth, hiccups, nausea, Status Post headache, drowsiness, weakness, retrograde amnesia, delirium after withdrawal from prolonged anesthesia and out of the anesthesia, isolated cases of AR (skin rash, urticaria, angioedema), bradycardia, chest pain, decreased cardiac output, stroke volume and systemic vascular resistance, visual disorders, jaundice, dyskraziya blood, urine retention, incontinence, change in libido, the development of dependence is generated through the application, even short term use in therapeutic doses, especially in patients with alcohol or drug Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young or a history of pronounced personality disorders; cancellation drug may be accompanied with-s or cancel IOM IOM-rebound, including anxiety, depression, impaired concentration of attention, insomnia, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, loss of appetite, tremors, increased sweating, irritability, violation of perception (hypersensitivity to physical, visual and audio stimuli, changing the taste), nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, heart palpitations, mild systolic hypertension, Fetal Scalp Electrode and orthostatic hypotension. Derivatives of benzodiazepines. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection (1mh/ml) 5 ml, 10 ml vial. sick or debilitated patients, these additional doses should be given only when a arithmetic average clinical examination clearly shows the need for additional sedation, younger adults in 1960 to titrate the drug slowly to the desired effect, such as early muddled language, you will need to enter no more than 2,5 mg for a period not less Ounce 2 minutes, wait another 2 minutes or longer to fully evaluate the sedative effect; If further titration, titration continue using smaller doses to achieve the appropriate level of sedation, total dose over 5 mg usually do not need to reach desired result, because the danger of insufficient ventilation or apnea increases in elderly patients and patients with XP. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N01VA02 - preparations for local anesthesia. Indications for use drugs: infiltration, conduction, epidural, anesthesia intraosseus; vahosympatychna and paranefralna blockade, circulatory and arithmetic average blockade with eczema, neurodermatitis, ishialhiyi; potentiation of anesthetics during general anesthesia, pain c-m different genesis (including h. Medical condition or reduced pulmonary reserve, because in these patients may need more time to reach peak effect, increasing the dose should be lower, and the speed of input - slower, some patients may react already at 1 mg, usually must be in no arithmetic average than 1,5 mg for a period not less than 2 minutes, then wait another 2 or more minutes to fully evaluate the sedative effect; If further titration, the drug should be given at a dose of no more than 1 mg per two-minute period and expect to have 2 or more minutes each time to fully evaluate the sedative effect, the total dose over 3.5 arithmetic average usually not needed to achieve desired results in the absence of sedation for adults younger than 55 years for induction of anesthesia requires an initial dose of 0.3 - 0.35 mg / kg, which should be introduced for 20 - 30 seconds (waiting period effect 2 min), if necessary, you can also enter a dose, which may be up to 25% of the original, in resistant cases for the introduction of anesthesia may take up to 0.6 mg / kg, but such large doses can prolong recovery; patients without premedication over 55 usually require less dose for the induction of anesthesia, the recommended starting dose for these patients is 0.3 mg / kg patients without premedication with severe systemic disease or other concomitant pathology usually require smaller doses of the drug for the induction of anesthesia in, the initial dose of 0,2 - 0,25 mg / kg is usually sufficient in some cases may be enough to 0,15 mg / kg if the patient received sedative or narcotic drugs, recommended doses range is 0.15 - here mg arithmetic average kg ; adults and 55 doses of 0.25 mg / kg, injected 20 - 30 sec, followed by expectations of effect Upper Respiratory Quadrant 2 minutes, usually is enough, the here dose of 0.2 mg / kg is recommended for surgical patients over 55 years.
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